We are a group of 10 churches and 2 Primary Schools in the Leigh and Hindley area, part of the wider Bolton and Rochdale Methodist District.
The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. We are committed to growing in Christ both as a body and as individuals, through worship, learning and caring, service and evangelism.
God of grace and hope,
Where the warmth of a smile eclipses the sinister sneer -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where an act of kindness
undermines an evil deed -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where a word of peace
silences the terrorist's threat -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where difference is diversity
in place of disunity -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where youth is innocent
and age is wisdom -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where love is real
and faith is kindled -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Praying that praise and protest
would be partners in our living and in our praying,
that your kingdom may come among us.
God of the Outcast; God of the Disempowered:
Thank you that you walk with us as One who has been rejected, despised, mocked.
Help us to follow the story of your pathfinders long past: justice-seekers like the Primitive Methodists who opened wide doors to welcome all.
God of grace and hope,
Where the warmth of a smile eclipses the sinister sneer -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where an act of kindness
undermines an evil deed -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where a word of peace
silences the terrorist's threat -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where difference is diversity
in place of disunity -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where youth is innocent
and age is wisdom -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where love is real
and faith is kindled -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Praying that praise and protest
would be partners in our living and in our praying,
that your kingdom may come among us.
God of the Outcast; God of the Disempowered:
Thank you that you walk with us as One who has been rejected, despised, mocked.
Help us to follow the story of your pathfinders long past: justice-seekers like the Primitive Methodists who opened wide doors to welcome all.
God of grace and hope,
Where the warmth of a smile eclipses the sinister sneer -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where an act of kindness
undermines an evil deed -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where a word of peace
silences the terrorist's threat -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where difference is diversity
in place of disunity -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where youth is innocent
and age is wisdom -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Where love is real
and faith is kindled -
Let hope stand triumphant.
Praying that praise and protest
would be partners in our living and in our praying,
that your kingdom may come among us.
God of the Outcast; God of the Disempowered:
Thank you that you walk with us as One who has been rejected, despised, mocked.
Help us to follow the story of your pathfinders long past: justice-seekers like the Primitive Methodists who opened wide doors to welcome all.